Aphelion Issue 296, Volume 28
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Issue 179 Volume 17 November 2013


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Alas, there was no new Long Fiction in this issue.

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Short Stories

A Life More Ordinary
Amy Latta
Superheroes vie for fame, endorsements, and the love of a good woman.

Do I Feel Lucky?
Zac Miller
Everything James ever wanted was so close… all he had to do was take a dangerous chance.

Richard Tornello
Clod, Emptus, and No Name deal with their Unbelief.

Dennis Wild
She was utterly alien in a terrestrial setting, yet seemed altogether human, too.

Of Dreams and Nightmares
Jenna Letzter
Living in a shattered world, her heart yearned for Jacob, and then he appeared with his flying machine.

Operation Rugido Ratón
D.H. Richards
Wally takes a tourist trip to Cuba and gets the surprise of his life.

She's Real
Charles E.J. Moulton
The woman from the cemetery wouldn't stop screaming.

Matthew Nichols
Phil wasn't ready to leave. Saul wanted to move him out.

The Aquatic Age
McCamy Taylor
Someone wanted Jorge dead to protect a secret on a flooded Earth.

The Box of Bones
M. N. Tarrint
Why did the odd little box with bones in it keep disappearing from the museum?

Results of Forum Flash Challenge for October 2013

Congratulations to Richard Tornello for taking the "Inspired by the Gods" challenge with his story, "SELL EM, SIGN EM & LOCK EM IN." Rick won both the anonymous cash prize and also that lovely virtual ice gnome trophy. Read his story and five other tales inspired by myths

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Poetry and Filk Music

Arenas Of Tellatheeze
Denny E Marshall

Death in the Woods
Jason Constantine Ford

Clinton Van Inman

Rafal Zabratynski

Judgement of the Dead
Jean Jones

The Next Evolutionary Generation
Richard Tornello

Pains of the Immortal
Martin Tomlinson

The Vampire's Last Request
Ian Mullins

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Articles and features

Alas, there were no feature articles this month.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield