Aphelion Issue 299, Volume 28
October 2024
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Modern Bethdish

A Short History of
the Planet Bethdish

A Work In Progress

Dan L. Hollifield

Updated 4-13-2019

Warning: Here be Spoilers!
Read On At Your Own Peril!

Pantheon of the Living Gods of Bethdish:
Deity Astronomical Body Deity's Title Moons & Other Info
Antuth The Sun Father of the Gods. 65 Light Years from Earth
Da-ast'nor Innermost planet God of the Forge & Blacksmiths Moon: Chuscht'nor The Spark of Creation
M'resst'ash-fur Second planet Goddess of Weather 2 Moons: P'milla & D'ian
Handmaidens of M'resst'ash-fur
D'aa'oert'oth Third planet God of the Hunt 5 small moons, named for the Hunter's Dogs: M'shegagn, T'nesshthee, K'ntuk, C'aorcha, and T'seckus
Bethdish Fourth planet Mother of the Gods Original Moon: Morit'orn
Shieldmaiden of the Mother
Present Moons: Darius & Xerxes
T'nishe-t'alla Fifth planet Judge of Princes & Battles, God of War 2 Moons: Inat'soun & Fer'vr'soun, Swordbearer & Shieldbearer
S'lar-ak'esh Asteroid belt Goddess of Luck 50,000 known asteroids. The largest is 600+ miles in diameter.
R'ene-land'thur Sixth planet Goddess of the Seas 23 Moons:
M'aalin'ash-tuth Seventh planet Goddess of Fertility, Planting, and Harvests 17 Moons:
Kan'she'ellor't'shen Eighth planet Goddess of Mercy & Redeemer of Lost Souls 15 Moons:
S'nith'o'duu'arr Ninth planet God of Death & the Afterlife 11 Moons:
Valleor Tenth planet God of Evil, & Chaos Thousands of temporary moonlets from the cometary halo.

Partial Timeline of Bethdish

Bold Italics represent a written story, Italics represent an outlined or planned unwritten story.

Fifteen billion years ago: Beginning of the current universe.

Three billion years ago, Maxwell's builders evolved.

Two billion years ago, Maxwell and his fellow slaves were created. After two million years of murder, these slaves revolted against their masters. Maxwell was damaged in the last battle for freedom and drifted in space, deactivated, until found and repaired by the Collector.

 Bethdish Prehistory: One billion years ago...

Creation of the planet and the Immortals in the Andromeda Galaxy. First Golden Age. The first Reever of the Immortals is created. The Black Snake is an Immortal child at this time. The Immortal population averages 20 million souls. The Floating City is built as the first home of the Immortals and the Crystal Bridge is linked to Albion, the Home of the Gods.

The Immortals explore the local cluster of solar systems.

508 million years before the present time-- The 2nd Reever of the Immortals is born.

Evolution of other sentient natives. Empires rise and fall. The original moon of Bethdish ( Morit'orn -- Shieldmaiden of the Mother ) eventually shatters and forms a temporary ring system. The Gods shield the planet from the major debris. Some native civilizations collapse at this time. Others remain unaffected. All myths and legends carried by oral tradition. After the re-invention of writing the natives collect these stories and preserve them. By the end of this era the rings have faded away.

65 million years before the present time-- The 3rd Reever of the Immortals is born.

Gods and Immortals live among the native peoples. Second Golden Age. Immortals defend Bethdish against various alien invasions. Natives eventually begin to explore their solar system, and in time, various others nearby. The second Immortal city is built on the banks of the river Ariastor. The Immortals call it Summerhome, but the rest of the natives name the city some variant on "Crystal Mirror Towers."

38 million years before the present time-- The 4th Reever of the Immortals is born.

13.5 million years before the present time-- The present Reever of the Immortals is born. He is the 5th Immortal of his line to bear the title Reever.

2 million years before the present time-- Max is genetically engineered to breed longevity into the non-immortal humanoid natives evolving on Bethdish.

50 thousand years before the present time-- Valleor and His worshipers revolt against the other gods. In the long war that followed, both the cities of the Immortals and the home of the gods (Albion) are laid to waste. The Floating City and the Crystal Bridge to Albion are broken loose from both Summerhome and Albion by the gods-war. The Broken Bridge still retains a tenuous, ethereal connection to Albion from the Floating City. The Reever's wife and two sons are killed in the fighting by forces led by the Black Snake. Summerhome is almost totally destroyed and is quickly abandoned. Eventually the revolt is put down and Valleor is captured by the other gods. The gods condemn Valleor to a discorporate existence and banish him from Albion. The powers of the gods are greatly reduced by this action, so that as time passes they take less and less part in the history of the planet.

Towards the end of this age, as a result of the gods-war, the axial tilt of Bethdish is almost negated. The shape of the landmasses are altered with corresponding loss of life. Only one landmass survives. The others sink beneath the ocean. The Immortals carve out a new city inside Fort Mountain. Their population is temporarily reduced to less than 12 million.

The Lost Years: Less than 1000 years between the polar shift and the arrival of the Andromeda alien Co-Op. The Reever is 13.5 million years old at this time. His father is still living at age 38 million, as is his grandfather at age 65 million. It is unknown if the previous two Reevers are still extant. They may have been killed in the Revolt of Valleor, or even earlier in the prehistory of Bethdish.

Recorded History--New Calendar:

Click here for a large map of the Altiplaino Spaceport in it's prime.

Year 1 [2986 BC] ..............The coalition of alien races contact Bethdish. They negotiate with the immortals and purchase a sizable tract (3.5 million square miles) of the worst devastated area of the landmass. Construction of the Altiplano Spaceport is begun. The Immortals assist the Co-Op in the construction. Humanitarian aid provided to the natives by the Co-Op. Medicines and treatments provided by the Co-Op rescue effort saved many lives that would have otherwise been lost. The Immortal's own aid services were overwhelmed until the Co-Op arrived. Thereafter, each Immortal worked with one or more Co-Op teams. The small moons Darius and Xerxes are moved into Bethdish orbit by the Co-Op and Immortals for use as a low-G shipping port and a military base, respectively.


120 [2867 BC] ..................The Shebeja build Oktishnear and Nanor Fort City.

Lake City Halazed Colony

800 [2187 BC] ...................Arrival of the Gray People, the Halazed. They purchase a large forest and lake as a colony site. They build Lake City under the surface of the lake. They also re-plant the forest with trees from their homeworld.

D'rrish City

920 [2067 BC] ..................The D'rrish arrive and buy colony space. They build the Arcology Er'da'gasg'dein and irradiate the the general area to conform with their peculiar metabolism.

960 [2027 BC] ..................The Deadly Desert forms near the D'rrish city as a result of the radiation.

970 [2017 BC] ..................The aliens called the Priest-Kings arrive and buy colony space. They build the walled city of Urkiev. Thereafter they pursue an isolationist policy. They trade only through native ambassadors chosen from the villages and towns near Urkiev.

1200 [1787 BC] ................War between the natives that grew to depend on the Altiplaino Spaceport. The 4 Kefa Empire cities nuked each other. The alien colonies and much of the rural native population are generally unharmed while the four industrial cities were bombed into slag. The Altiplaino Spaceport was slightly damaged in the bombing. The Immortals and the Port Authority assume joint control of the surviving Four Cities governments. Trade agreements were renegotiated to avoid the pitfalls of the previous era.

Guiles Thornby in the Battle Suit

1200-1340 [1787-1647 BC] .........Period in which the Battle Suit was used as a weapon.

1340 [1647 BC] ................The Siege of Elko Daf ** Battle Suit used in final defense of Elko Daf then becomes a war memorial outside of the castle.

1520 [1467 BC] ................Beloq and Co. steal a copy of the Battle Suit for the Collector.

1840 [1147 BC] ................Interstellar war. Bethdish is found by a "Berserker" type automated weapon (the Scourge) and attacked by it. After a titanic battle, the Scourge is blown to pieces and left adrift in the outer cometary halo. Meteoric bombardment destroys over half of the Altiplaino Spaceport and drive most of the Builders to abandon the planet. Those Aliens who could not escape made their way to Valley of the Three Peaks resort or Nanor because of their ability to support multi species populations. The Bolo Havoc is buried by the bombing. The volcano Tishranet was created by the impact of a damaged Planet Killer missile which failed to detonate. The gods intervened to eliminate the ejected material from the cratering so as to prevent an ice age from destroying their world. Some aliens still use the surviving section of the Altiplaino.

2640 [347 BC] ...............Count Corrono the 1st leads an expedition into the hinterlands of the Duchy of Tamar to find a long forgotten castle. Bandits were using the castle as an occasional hideout from which to terrorize the local farmers and villagers. The Count and his men took the castle by storm , executed the bandits, and claimed the castle for his own. Later he was to set up the longest lasting parliamentary government among the natives of Bethdish. His descendants eventually marry into most of the native royal families.

2670 [317 BC] ...............Nesastor-that-was **The fall of Nesastor and the creation of the Great Blight. Eliasthor makes war on several neighboring nations. All goes well until he attacks Urkiev, the mysterious city of the Priest-Kings. They counter-attack, and destroy the city of Nesastor. Everything within a 1 mile radius of the city center slowly crumbles to dust during the following year. The citizens of Nesastor flee. Only one tower of Eliasthor's palace resists the spell. The planet's natives begin to avoid the bottomless gray dust-bowl that they come to call the "Great Blight". There are rumors of monsters living underneath the dust, but these have never been documented.

2720 [267 BC] ...............Voices in the Night ** Eliasthor lives on in the White Tower in the center of the Great Blight as a prisoner of the Priest-Kings of Urkiev. He is contacted by the god Valleor and attempts to re-form the god's physical body and restore Valleor's full powers. Valleor regains some small amount of his power but not enough to construct a body from his atomized remains by willpower alone.

2740 [247 BC] ..................The Collector is born. Where? Who knows.

2987 [1 AD] .............The Floating City, driven by the winds, finally comes to rest against the southwestern Morishtornell mountains near the southern edge of the surviving Altiplaino. This fragment of the first city of the Immortals was originally joined to the home of the Gods by the Crystal Bridge. The (now renamed) Broken Bridge still retains a tenuous contact to Albion, the City of the Gods.

4600 [1613 AD] ..............Shy'are the Wizard appears as if from nowhere to build his tower by magical means. He then bands the surrounding kingdoms into a loose alliance to fight the pirate raiders along the eastern seacoast. Shy'are is actually a giant old Blue Dragon magically disguised as a humanoid wizard. He came to Bethdish to escape his old life and to take part in helping to build a better world where all can coexist. Shy'are is sometimes seen in the Mare Inebrium in the company of Lung Mei, a Librarian employed by the Collector in the Museum. Lung Mei is also a dragon in disguise. They both appear to be elderly oriental humans, usually sitting together smoking long-stemmed clay pipes and drinking Plum Brandy.

4800 [1813 AD] ..............Alazar the Wizard leaves his father's kingdom of Tulag to build his tower, plant the Ring Forest, and tame the wiregrass plain on the here-to-fore desert plateau of Tissador. (pronounced Sid-ore) Alazar's tower is formed from a waterfall, the run-off of which waters the Ring Forest and the surrounding desert. The waterfall springs from mid-air.

4913 [1926 AD] .............On Earth, Guiles Thornby meets Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Southern Bethdish4921 [1934 AD]..............Stranded! ** Expedition from the Zelath Stellar League crash-lands on Bethdish and becomes involved with a minor invasion of the southern regions of the Kingdom of Intile. The Reever is sent to stop the invasion. Havoc regains consciousness, escapes from his ocean-floor tomb, and rushes to the aid of the Reever and the stranded League members.

4921 [1934 AD]..............On Earth, Tom Darby was born. August 11th.

4922 [1935 AD]..............Off to Be a Wizard **Havoc sends an ROV to Tulag in order to study magic under the tutelage of the wizards there.

4937 [1950 AD] .............On Earth, the Collector meets Dr. Clark Savage Jr.

4937 [1950 AD] .............On Earth, Tom Darby attempted to enlist in the US Army at the age of 16

4938 [1951 AD] .............On Earth, Tom Darby managed to enlist into the US Army at the age of 16 became a pilot flying Saber Jets during the Korean War.

4984 [1952 AD].............On Earth, Tom Darby's fighter crashed during a dogfight between he and two MIG fighter planes. He was briefly captured--upon his escape he was recruted to fly photo recon missions over Korea. Recruited by Military Intelligence, 1952 through 1962. Operated actively during early Cold War Era. Recruited by CIA, 1960 through 1975. Operated actively during late Cold War Era / Early Viet Nam Era. Semi-Retired: 1969, undertook very few missions.Working odd jobs to supliment income. Roadie for R.E.M. in the mid '70s.

4951 [1964 AD] .............A mysterious, and very nervous burglar steals a primitive time machine from the Collector's Museum. He departs for the future.

4963 [1976 AD] .............On Earth, Tom Darby has a fender-bender with a flying saucer one night on a lonely country road. The crew of the flying saucer take him forward in time to Bethdish of 6080. [3093 AD] The Collector later returns Tom Darby to Earth and the year 1976 AD, to a point two minutes behind himself riding his motorcycle into the side of the flying saucer.

5000 [2013 AD] ..............Membeth Planetary Penitentiary founded as the single maximum security prison. The castle on the site had been used for centuries as the place of execution for the Kingdoms of Ellor, Kineth, Nesastor, Utrthay, and other, older realms. Traitors, pirates, mass-murderers, and sometimes the politically disenfranchised, were doomed to take the "Long Swim". They were walked to the end of the Black Wharf and forced off into carnivore infested waters. None ever reached the shore. Castle Debrethe is designated the medium-security prison for the planet. The Immortals assist the Southeastern Kingdoms Alliance and Shy'are the wizard to construct the "Walled Road", a thousand-mile-long sealed passageway elevated 500 feet above the ground to connect the two prisons.

5240 [2253 AD] ..............Arrival of the Collector and introduction of Castle of the Winds (the gateway on Bethdish to the Collector's Museum in an alternate dimension), deep in the heart of the Caalar Jungle. The Collector is 2500 years old at this time. Castle of the Winds appears to be a small castle or fortress standing in the middle of an open field. Inside, there are many gateways into the Museum.

5340 [2353 AD] .............The Battle Suit is first discovered by the Collector. In Seven Isles in a memorial park- constructed around it -the original stands along with a strange duplicate Battle Suit. In 6740 the Collector sends Beloq, Selene, Resthal and Gryphon with the stolen robot PXR5 back in time to steal a copy of the Battle Suit at Elko Daf in the year 1520 (Bethdish Cal.). Their vehicle accidentally tries to materialize them in the same co-ordinates as the Battle Suit. This results in a mechanical failure in the time capsule which creates the duplicate Battle Suit. Beloq, and company barely escape.

5600 [2613 AD] .............Castle Nilaren is overrun by a small fleet of pirate raiders. In the booty gathered by the pirates before their escape was the relic of antiquity that most of the older castles of Bethdish were built to house. In this case, the relic was a thermonuclear bomb, left over from the Four Cities War.

5640 [2653 AD] .............Castle Dombraim is built on the site of Nilaren on the north seacoast. (Dombraim translates roughly into Terran as a mixture of the concepts of rebuilt / re-born / re-consecrated.)

5740 [2753 AD] .............The Reever and the Collector first meet. The Reever walked through the Caalar Jungle to knock on the front door of Castle of the Winds. Guiles Thornby also meets the Reever at this time.

6055 [3068 AD] ............."The Night the Stars Changed" ** The Collector is attacked by Valleor's forces. Mistaking the attack for one by aliens, the Collector over-reacts and moves the entire solar system to preserve the natives from what he thought was his own enemies. Bethdish is now in a different galaxy from where it evolved. All alien colonies were cut off from their homeworlds. Collector's presence detected by the wizards of Tulag.

6080 [3093 AD] ............"Abducted!" ** The Collector's museum is invaded by Mordred and Sara K is kidnapped.

6125 [3138 AD] .............A mysterious, and very nervous time traveler accidentally materializes in the D'rrish Arcology. He quickly dies from exposure. The D'rrish build a shrine to him as an honored enemy. His mummy and his equipment are placed in the Shrine if the Traveler.

6126 [3139 AD] .............The Terran Federation starship Admiral Charles Herndon arrives in the Antuth solar system with a fleet of support starships and Terran Ambassador Leslie Everett to investigate the mysterious new solar system that had appeared in what had been empty space. The Antuth system is now 65 lightyears from Earth. Bethdish is the only inhabited planet in the system of 10 planets. Antuth is a star quite similar to Sol. Bethdish gravity is .985 of Earth Standard. The day is 25 ES hours, the orbit is almost exactly 1 ES year. Axial tilt is less than 2 degrees at this time. There is one major continent and a scattering of small islands across the opposite hemisphere. The climate is warm and mild.

6127 [3140 AD] .............First Terran Federation contact with the natives of Bethdish. Immortals send delegates to Freeport Durkone to attend diplomatic functions.

6128 [3141 AD] .............Treaty signed. The old merchant city Freeport Durkone renamed "City of Lights". Federation and Immortals cooperate to build the city. Historic "Old City" quickly surrounded by modern skyscrapers. Area directly south of City of Lights established for spaceport. The Old City area lies between the new spaceport and the modern city. Immortals assist the Federation in constructing the spaceport landing field and buildings. Altiplaino Spaceport is declared an historical site and only archaeologists are allowed limited access to the ruins of alien bases there. Strict penalties and fines are levied against illegal access to the Altiplaino.

6129 [3142 AD] .............City of Lights Spaceport opens.

6134 [3147 AD] .............Spaceport expanded.

6142 [3155 AD] .............City expanded.

6162 [3175 AD] .............The feud between the Barony of Albeth and the Barony of Duraz ends with the marriage of the heirs of the two realms. Thus the kingdom of Arnak is formed.

6300 [3313 AD] .............The Tyranny of Valleor begins. The kingdom of Nertua is overthrown and it's people are made slaves. Valleor stays in the background working through the rogue Immortal, the Black Snake. She becomes the de facto ruler of Kingdom Valleor as well as High Priestess and lover of the evil god. Continuing minor warfare between Valleor's forces and Urth in the High Valley. Urth constructs various "Fort-Cities". Valleor's forces confined to the old Nertua region. All bordering native countries re-fortify against attack by Valleor's armies.

6574 [3587 AD] .............Kazsh-ak Teir born on Bethdish in the D'rrish Arcology.

6603 [3616 AD] .............Kazsh-ak Teir is attacked by Beloq and Selene in the Shrine of the Traveler in the D'rrish Arcology. He is 29 years old and is hospitalized for 3 days from his injuries. The Traveler's equipment is stolen by a time-traveling Beloq and Selene for return to the Collector.

6695 [3708 AD] .............Construction begins on the Mare Inebrium Tower. Clark Savage Jr. (MD, PHD, OBE, OOO, etc.) is a silent partner in the design and construction of the Mare Tower. He duplicates his New York Headquarters on the Mare's 86th floor. The Collector is also a silent partner in the design and construction.

6698 [3711 AD] .............The Mare Inebrium opens for business.

6735 [3748 AD] .............Max begins working at the Mare Inebrium. He is slightly over 2 million years old at this time.

The Battle Is Joined

6740 [3753 AD] ............."The Threat of Valleor" ** The Reever leads a small band of adventurers on a far journey to confront Valleor and rescue missing people from all over Bethdish. Valleor is temporarily trapped by a spell cast by Tinhill of Urth (the retired High Priest of Antuth) utilizing the combined powers of all the magic-users on Bethdish, augmented by a powerful relic in the Collector's Museum. Tinhil dies from the magical energy channeled through his body before completing the spell- confining Valleor for a while, but not for all time as intended. Kazsh-ak Teir, at age 148, meets Guiles Thornby during this adventure. Beloq, Selene, Resthal, and Gryphon are recruited by the Collector during this adventure.

6798 [3811 AD] .............After 58 years Valleor escapes from the prison spell that had held him captive. He resumes his quest for a body to inhabit while strengthening his control over the worshipers and slaves of Kingdom Valleor. He remains hidden in his Temple, reaching out to possess or influence various mortals- people and animals.

6799 [3812 AD] .............Blanche born on the planet Hardcase, 1.438 ES Gravity.

6800 [3813 AD] .............Valleor possesses the Governor of Western Urth, T'llea Neuma, and begins the oppression of the people of Western Urth. The territory is cut off from outside contact and cruelties such as those committed in Nertua are begun. Trixie is born on Earth at this time.

6820 [3833 AD] .............Battle of Urky Pass. Western Urth rises in revolt against what they thought was Urthean Oppression. Valleor's followers are exposed and driven into Kingdom Valleor. Western Urth becomes the Kingdom of Ninlen. T'llea Neuma disappears in the confusion of the revolt, only to be seen inside Valleor's temple later, still possessed by Valleor. Kazsh-ak Teir is noted for valor during the fighting.

6822 [3835 AD] ............. Trixie is hired at the Mare Inebrium. Blanche is hired at the Mare Inebrium half a year later.

6822 [3835 AD] ............."The Mare Inebrium" ** Spaceport Bar encounter wherein a D'rrish gives a history lesson and a nervous time-traveler flees.

The D'rrish telling stories:

Storytelling is thirsty work...

A) Kazsh-ak meets the Reever & Guiles Thornby. 6740 [3753 AD]
B) Kazsh-ak fights at the Battle of Urky Pass. 6820 [3833 AD]
C) Kazsh-ak takes a wife and then goes offworld to fight the K'tchomblies.
D) Kazsh-ak defends the T'chmarron River Bridge and the small town of Neulat, alone against the nomadic Valwoulf Raiders of the Plain of Intile.
F) Kazsh-ak defeats the asteroid pirates.
G) Kazsh-ak fights the Ohmany Horse riders when they attempt to invade the Kingdom of Eana- and learns that Eana has a far more potent guardian than he.
H) Kazsh-ak breaks the Siege of the offworld D'rrish colony of R'lynath in a single-D'rrish fighter craft, leading to the Rescue of R'lynath Colony days later when the D'rrish battle fleet arrives. The alien Nye-koll-tuurn-aye invader's blockade fleet is repulsed after several fierce space battles. Their ground forces linger in hiding on the planet for many years before the last are captured and deported to their homeworld.
I) Kazsh-ak saves his cousin, the D'rrish Princess J'harrana, from offworld kidnappers.
J) Kazsh-ak defeats the Overlord of Naatung in single combat, freeing the slaves of planet Naatung.
K) Kazsh-ak solves a murder mystery aboard a swanky passenger liner in route to the Insca resort hotel on the planet Kalenque.

L) Kazsh-ak makes First Contact with a ship of Sealakgosschew. (Name rendered phonetically.)

<>            The dating on many of Kazsh-ak's stories are not yet ready for this update.
6823 [3836 AD]] .............The Absent-minded Shall Inherit..." ** The Mare Inebrium receives a mysterious addition to their "Lost & Found" when an absent-minded inventor forgets one of his devices as he leaves.

6824 [3837 AD] .............Sins of the Fathers ** Max is revealed as an undercover agent- Very undercover! {also contains the first foreshadowing of the events of Immortality Factor} Andrew is 70 years old at this time, but appears to be 40. He lives another 150 years. Max is Andrew's great grandfather, but neither of them know this.

Dragon Attack!

6825 [3838 AD] ............."The Lucky Leonard" ** A space shuttle on final landing approach is attacked by a large pterosaur that has been possessed by Valleor. Valleor is acting against the Collector, who is a passenger on the shuttle. The Collector saves the shuttle, crew, and passengers. Larrye (age 23?) is hired at the Mare Inebrium.

6825 [3838 AD] ............. Sidestep ** John Stewart Sebastian initiates the rescue of the Linda Rae and later helps the lost shuttle crew escape back through the wormhole into their own time.

6825 [3838 AD] .............Brother, Can You Spare A Crime? ** Later that same year, the Reever is called in to solve the crime when a body just keeps turning up at the Mare.

6826 [3839 AD] .............A Study in Alizarin Crimson ** Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson assist the Collector in stopping an alien criminal from plundering London's museums of their own era, 1926 AD. They are almost 2000 years into their future, but Guiles Thornby tells them that they are only 420 years ahead of their time. It is unknown why he does this. Perhaps he is simply confused, or perhaps he is conforming to some unknown orders from the Collector. Holmes & Watson are later returned to their correct time.

6827 [3840 AD] ............. Trixie takes four months maternity leave. She gives birth to a boy, whom she names Siger Vernet.

6827 [3840 AD] .............Came the Dawn ** The Shebeja awake from Sleepfreeze. The Black Snake attacks them using terrorists, pirates, and stolen tugs from the system's asteroid belt. {Max says that the date is "about a month and a half from being 6828"}

6828 [3841 AD] .............Redshift Sue Sings the Blues ** Time seems to stand still while Redshift Sue sings her long-lost husband's song.

6830 [3843 AD] .............Immortality Factor ** A rich old man has several Immortals kidnapped and dissected to try and find out how to live forever. The old man is confined to a wheelchair-like life support system. He has the required great wealth, political connections, and ruthless mercenaries to possibly get away with it. However, when the Reever becomes one of the missing, the Collector gets involved and starts a search for him.

6974 [3987 AD] ............. Andrew Huntington-Smith dies, leaving behind 22 children and 85 grandchildren.

7924 [4937 AD]

8082 [5095 AD]

9157 [6170 AD]

10063 [7076 AD] ............"From Out of the Past" ** Reappearance of the Berserker in the outer fringes of the system. The Collector warns the Spaceport, Tulag, and all of the techno oriented nations. All co-operate to repulse the Berserker. Valleor mistakenly believed to be destroyed.

11868 [8881 AD] ............Valleor begins to construct technological weapons to aid in conquest of Bethdish.

11880 [8893 AD] ............The War of Valleor ** Valleor's armies attack Urth, Ninlen, Intile, Fort Mtn., Yalled, and Seven Isles.

11882 [8895 AD] ............Valleor recruits the pirates of the Ohmany Peoples as a navy to attack Nalth, Seven Isles, Ellor, Arnak, Utrthay, and others.

11890 [8903 AD] ............The Wizards band the nations together to fight Valleor. The Kingdoms Alliance.

11895 [8908 AD] ............Valleor's forces are defeated. Borders of kingdom Valleor are sealed.

11915 [8928 AD] ............"Into the Depths" ** Valleor and the Collector vie for control of the planet-killer missile that lies at the heart of Tishranet Volcano.

Copyright ©1980-2057 by Dan L. Hollifield

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