Mare Inebrium Starter Kit
Last Updated 7-20-04
A Quick Tour
"Herein lies the description of the Universe
of the
Mare Inebrium. Read on, and become knowledgable of
the world
of drunken aliens, down and out time travellers, and other seedy and
We await your contributions with relish, and a blot of
and undigested beef...
Here, for your enjoyment
is The Mare's kickoff
story, followed by other selected stories,"
Jim Parnell
--Mare Inebrium co-creator--
One of the original Merrily Inebriated!
- "I do edit Mare Inebrium submissions for continuity- Fair
warning. However, I do consult on these submissions, too. I do try to
make my meddling with your story as painless as possible for the
writer. And I like answering questions about the Mare Inebrium. But the
Mare series does take place on a world I created, so I have to keep a
tight rein on some minor aspects of the series continuity."
- Dan
"I am the sole arbiter of princes and battles,
The sole lonely judge of pirates and prey.
I chose between those who are heroes or villains,
And each I will send on their infinite way.
Reward or damnation, their own separate way.
I judge without malice-
High standards have I.
To the hero the challice.
To the villain, the flame.
But who will be what is no
simple say..."
From the Song of T'nishe-t'alla, Judge of Princes & Battles,
God of War. Composed by the Bard Oroden during the Lost Times.
Preserved from oral history by transcript recordings of traditional
native songs. Transcription made possible by the Planetary History
department of the Collegium Lux, City of Lights and a grant from the
Mobile Corperation.
The Mare Inebrium
General Bethdish Continuity
The following is the basic continuity information. Feel free to read on
past the links and come back to them later.
(As shown in this old map I drew.):
3841 AD. In City of Lights, Planet Bethdish, near the Spaceport. This
link shows a large-scale scan of one of my old maps. Its very brown and
old-looking- kind of neat in a rustic sort of way, but not a bad
rendition of the city map.
- Background:
- The planet Bethdish is located 65 light
years from Earth, and circles a star that the natives call Antuth.
The planet has 2 small moons, neither of which are natural satellites.
They were moved from Antuth's asteroid belt many years ago. One, the
larger- Darius, is used for shipping- generally by
freighters that can't enter an atmosphere, the other- Xerxes,
is a military base jointly run by the Terran Navy and the Shebeja
colonists. There are other military arms of other species concerned
with the operation of Xerxes Base, but they can be added to fit story
- The rest of the solar system is pretty average- a couple of
gas giants, several uninhabited worlds, a thick but stable cometary
halo. Details can be given upon request.
Pantheon of the Living Gods of Bethdish:
Diety |
Astronomical Body |
Diety's Title |
Moons & Other Info |
Antuth |
The Sun |
Father of the Gods. |
65 Light Years from Earth |
Da-ast'nor |
Innermost planet |
God of the Forge &
Blacksmiths |
Moon: Chuscht'nor The
Spark of Creation |
M'resst'ash-fur |
Second planet |
Goddess of Weather |
2 Moons: P'milla & D'ian
Handmaidens of M'resst'ash-fur |
D'aa'oert'oth |
Third planet |
God of the Hunt |
5 small moons, named for the
Hunter's Dogs: M'shegagn, T'nesshthee. K'ntuk, C'aorcha, and T'seckus |
Bethdish |
Fourth planet |
Mother of the Gods |
Original Moon: Morit'orn
Shieldmaiden of the Mother
Present Moons: Darius & Xerxes |
T'nishe-t'alla |
Fifth planet |
Judge of Princes &
Battles, God of War |
2 Moons: Inat'soun &
Fer'vr'soun, Swordbearer & Shieldbearer |
S'lar-ak'esh |
Asteroid belt |
Goddess of Luck |
50,000 known asteroids. The
largest is 600+ miles in diameter. |
R'ene-land'thur |
Sixth planet |
Goddess of the Seas |
23 Moons: |
M'aalin'ash-tuth |
Seventh planet |
Goddess of Fertility, Planting,
and Harvests |
17 Moons: |
Kan'she'ellor't'shen |
Eighth planet |
Goddess of Mercy &
Redeemer of Lost Souls |
15 Moons: |
S'nith'o'duu'arr |
Ninth planet |
God of Death & the
Afterlife |
11 Moons: |
Valleor |
Tenth planet |
God of Evil, & Chaos |
Thousands of temporary moonlets
from the cometary halo. |
- City of Lights covers an area of some
24,000 square miles -approximately the same size as the state of West
Virginia in the US- and is one of the few places on Bethdish where
advanced technology is allowed. The rest of the planet is meant to
develop naturally. Civilization outside of City of Lights exists on
several levels at the same time. The Immortals limit the spread of
higher technologies from off-world to the immediate area of City of
- The original section, the harbor and the Old City
are a walled city/fort of great age. Local history purports that the
original five wharves were built by pirates and the city, called
Freeport, that sprang up behind them was built by plunder. Later, the
ease of making an honest credit gently moved the city into mercantile
shipping prominence. The original lands and harbor of the Durkone
people were ceeded to the Spaceport and Freeport Durkone became the
core of what is now City of Lights. Inside the Old City, buildings
seldom reach more than five floors. They cluster together bisected by
narrow cobbled streets, winding their way between old shops and older
homes. By contrast, the modern portions of the city boast tremendous
skyscrapers, ground and airborn traffic, city-wide solar powered
streetlighting, several mass transit systems, and the finest of
ultra-modern conveniences. The Spaceport, to the
south of the Old City, is a 1000 mile diameter circle of
granite/polycarbon ceramic whose brightly-lit runways stretch for
thousands of miles across the wiregrass plains of the northeastern
coast of Bethdish.
The city surrounds a tear-drop shaped bay which covers another 8,000
square miles.
Natives of Bethdish:
- The native civilizations range from the neolithic to the
modern. Evidence of several advanced civilizations -now fallen- is
abundant across the globe and is taken for granted by the average
native. There are no less than 8 sentient native species, ranging from
aquatic river and lake dwellers, humanoids, and humans to the
Immortals. Most of these, however, never enter City of Lights. There
are also 5 alien colonies on Bethdish; the D'rrish, the Halazed, and
the Shebeja colonies, the Valley of the Three Peaks Resort, and Urkiev
- City of the Priest-Kings. The population of the Resort is not a
single species, but some 10,000 differing species. These also rarely
visit City of Lights. The D'rrish and Halazed have already been
described in Mare Inebrium stories. The Shebeja have been described in
my story Threat of Valleor, in
the last chapter available online and are also featured in my novelette
Came the Dawn.

The Bar's Location:
- The Mare Inebrium is located on the bottom floors of a 100
story building near the Spaceport field. The Mare Tower stands near the
Old City and the Bazaar, within the ranks of other skyscrapers. The bar
itself includes at least one basement and sub-basement, the ground
floor, and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors. The main room is on the
ground floor.

- The security systems are quite good. No one will ever be
allowed to steal anything from the Mare Tower. These same systems are
supposed to prevent covert entry into the building, but many Mare
stories show that there are holes in that rule. Evidently, only those
with a criminal intent are excluded entry.
- Mysterious- Yes, but all will be made clear in Jeff
William's "Sheffield's Eleventh" and my own "Came the Dawn".
- There is a resturant on the 100th
floor, open to the public as well as catering to the entire building.
Meals in the Mare itself can be ordered this way, but the staff
demanded their own kitchen behind the bar area. It is off the same
hallway as Max's office. Sometimes the staff make the patron's meal
themselves instead of ordering from upstairs. It depends on what the
staff feels like doing and/or the special needs of some species of
patron. There are other resturants on various other floors as well.
- The 85th, 86th,
and 87th floors are off limits for Mare patrons
and the general public. Why? The tenant on the 86th
floor has the clout to have it so. Some fans get this in-joke already
and will respect it in their submissions. The tenant is a famous Doctor
and explorer, his first name is Clark, and he's a really big guy.
Please keep any mention of the Man of Bronze as vague as possible, for
copyright reasons if for no other.
My other Mare stories have been in local years 6737 [3750 AD] -- 6828
[3841 AD]. I have set the date for offical first contact with the
Terran Federation to coincide with our calendar on Earth in the year
3140, so as to give us time to invent an FTL drive. I have used the
arbitrary date of 3140 AD = 6127 for first contact between Earth and
Bethdish, but this was for reasons of sentiment and is not set in
stone. In one story, Max mentions that the Mare had been open for 200
years at that point. So the Mare dating is flexible. Drastic dating
differences can be assumed that the narrator is living on an alternate
timeline where events proceeded at a different pace than our own
Timeline of Bethdish:
Over 11,000 years of history of the planet Bethdish. This link gives my
basic timeline for the whole planet. Each entry is either a story idea
or historical reference for a story. There are no links to the stories
from the timeline, but there are spoilers, so beware.
Partial timeline:
- Altiplaino Spaceport construction begun = Year 1 [2986
- Attack of the Scourge = 1840 [1147 BC]
- Night the Stars Changed = 6055 [3068 AD] The Reever
also braves the Caalar Jungle to enter Castle of the Winds later this
same year.
- "Abducted!" =
6080 [3093 AD] -- Section on Earth takes place circa 1979 AD, time
travel is implied. Section on Bethdish is not dated but seems from
context to be shortly before contact with the Terran Federation.}
- First contact with the Terran Federation = 6127 [3140
AD]... Some reports list this as 2029 AD or 2342 AD. Some chroniclers
may be living on other timelines, it is suspected.
- City of Lights Spaceport opens = 6129 [3142 AD]
- 6695 [3708 AD]
.............Construction begins on the Mare Inebrium Tower. Clark
Savage Jr. (MD, PHD, OBE, OOO) is a silent partner in the design and
construction of the Mare Tower. He duplicates his New York Headquarters
on the Mare's 86th floor. The Collector is also
a silent partner in the design and construction.
- 6698 [3711 AD] .............The Mare
Inebrium opens for business.
- 6735 [3748 AD] .............Max
begins working at the Mare Inebrium. He is slightly over 2 million
years old at this time.
- 6799 [3812 AD] .............Blanche
born on the planet Hardcase, 1.438 ES Gravity.
- 6800 [3813 AD] .............Trixie
is born on Earth at this time.
- 6822 [3835 AD] ............. Trixie
is hired at the Mare Inebrium. Blanche is hired at the Mare Inebrium
half a year later.
- 6822 [3835 AD] ............."The
Mare Inebrium" ** Spaceport Bar encounter wherein a
D'rrish gives a history lesson and a nervous time-traveler flees.
The D'rrish telling stories:
- A) Kazsh-ak meets the Reever & Guiles
Thornby. 6740 [3753 AD]
- B) Kazsh-ak fights at the Battle of Urky Pass. 6820
[3833 AD]
- C) Kazsh-ak takes a wife and then goes offworld to
fight the K'tchomblies.
- D) Kazsh-ak defends the T'chmarron River Bridge and
the small town of Neulat, alone against the nomadic Valwoulf Raiders of
the Plain of Intile.
- F) Kazsh-ak defeats the asteroid pirates.
- G) Kazsh-ak fights the Ohmany Horseriders when they
attempt to invade the Kingdom of Eana- and learns that Eana has a far
more potent guardian than he.
- H) Kazsh-ak breaks the Seige of the offworld D'rrish
colony of R'lynath in a single-D'rrish fightercraft, leading to the
Rescue of R'lynath Colony. The alien Nye-koll-tuurn-aye invader's
blockade fleet is repulsed after several fierce space battles. Their
ground forces linger in hiding on the planet for many years before the
last are captured and deported to their homeworld.
- I) Kazsh-ak saves his cousin, the D'rrish Princess
J'harrana, from offworld kidnappers.
- J) Kazsh-ak defeats the Overlord of Naatung in
single combat, freeing the slaves of planet Naatung.
- No dating on many of Kazsh-ak's stories are ready for
this update.
- 6823 [3836 AD]] .............The
Absent-minded Shall Inherit..." ** The Mare
Inebrium recieves a mysterious addition to their "Lost & Found"
when an absent-minded inventor forgets one of his devices as he leaves.
- 6824 [3837 AD] .............Sins
of the Fathers ** Max is revealed as an undercover
agent- Very undercover! {also contains the first foreshadowing of the
events of Immortality Factor} Andrew is 70 years
old at this time, but appears to be 40. He lives another 150 years. Max
is Andrew's great grandfather, but neither of them know this.
- 6825 [3838 AD] ............. Larrye
(age 23?) is hired at the Mare Inebrium.
- 6825 [3838 AD] .............Frightening
Little Planet ** The Mare sections of this story
take place in this year. Some type of time travel is implied by the
sections on Earth.
- 6825 [3838 AD] ............. Sidestep
** John Stewart Sebastian initiates the rescue of the Linda
Rae and later helps the lost shuttle crew escape back through
the wormhole into their own time.
- 6825 [3838 AD] .............Brother,
Can You Spare A Crime? ** Later that same year, the
Reever is called in to solve the crime when a body just keeps turning
up at the Mare.
- 6826 [3839 AD] .............A
Study in Alizarin Crimson ** Sherlock Holmes and
Doctor Watson assist the Collector in stopping an alien criminal from
plundering London's museums of their own era, 1923 AD. They are almost
2000 years into their future, but Guiles Thornby tells them that they
are only 420 years ahead of their time. It is unknown why he does this.
Perhaps he is simply confused, or perhaps he is conforming to some
unknown orders from the Collector. Holmes & Watson are later
returned to their correct time.
- 6827 [3840 AD] ............. Trixie
takes four months maternity leave. She gives birth to a boy, whom she
names Siger Vernet.
- 6827 [3840 AD] .............Came
the Dawn ** The Shebeja awake from Sleepfreeze. The
Black Snake attacks them using terrorists, pirates, and stolen tugs
from the system's asteroid belt. {Max says that the date is "about a
month and a half from being 6828"}
- 6828 [3841 AD] .............Redshift
Sue Sings the Blues ** Time seems to stand still
while Redshift Sue sings her long-lost husband's song.
- 6830 [3843 AD] .............Immortality
Factor ** A rich old man has several Immortals kidnapped and
dissected to try and find out how to live forever. The old man is
confined to a wheelchair-like life support system. He has the required
great wealth, political connections, and ruthless mercenaries to
possibly get away with it. However, when the Reever becomes one of the
missing, the Collector gets involved and starts a search for him.
- 6974 [3987 AD] ............. Andrew
Huntington-Smythe dies, leaving behind 22 children and 85
The Mare consists of several rooms on the main floor, as well as an
indeterminate number of floors above the bar itself. So far, 5 floors
and 2 basements have been mentioned. The main room
is 100 x 100 feet, specialty rooms with different themes adjoin the
room along the east and west walls. Each speciality room has its own
theme, I.E.; the Mars room has walls painted with
scenes from Edgar Rice
Burroughs' Barsoom books, the Known Space Room is
decorated with starscapes
derived from Larry Niven's fiction (paintings of Black holes, Neutron
the Ringworld, etc.), the Game Room has gaming
equipment from every major
sci-fi series that you can think of... You get the idea. There are 10
rooms on the main floor, five on both the E. and W. walls, averaging 20
x 40 feet. Others will have to be located on an upper floor. Each has
its own bar, bartender, and waiter(esses) of various species. Be
Specialty Rooms: (Room
titles in Bold have already been used in stories)
...include the ones mentioned above as well as;
The Boardroom... -- Business Theme,
with lots of Executive types
as patrons.
Arabian Nights Room... -- You figure out
what this one looks
The Red Dog Saloon -- Military
Room... The seedy Space Ranger/Starship Trooper section.
Frontier Room... -- Done up like a western
(for those fans of cross-genre
The Morgue... -- Even the undead need a place
to drink.
The Small Ballroom... -- For music, dancing,
and whatnot.
The Pantheon -- Deities
Room... Reserved for Gods, Goddesses... and Writers. The only
bartender named in this room so far is Elvis.
Piper's -- the
Gentleman's Club... Done up in the style of a British club in
it's prime. Hardwoods, wainscoating, massive bookshelves, etc. The only
staff member named in this room so far is the waiter, Henry, a tall
fellow with blue skin. The staff in this room dress like butlers.
And so forth. I will add others as I feel the need to invent them,
but feel free to invent your own so that you can use your own
Wait-staff, and patrons. All are reached through short hallways so that
various restrooms and small hazardous environment chambers can be
between the doorways leading from the main room.
Main Room:
Street entrance is in the middle of the North wall. There are 3 steps
down from the doorway to the floor. There is an anteroom and
check sort of cloakroom, but I doubt that they will ever be used and
safely be ignored. Booths line the interior of the room in an inverted
version of this ASCII art: ][__ __][ with the front
door being
in the gap of the underline and the main bar running between the inward
facing brackets. Remember, the ASCII art is upside down 'cause that's
easiest way to draw it with typewriter keys.
The walls are paneled in a dark hardwood or a
silvery-grey mother-of-pearl, there are mirrors alternating with
paintings of various sci-fi themes on all the walls. (these mirrors
do not always reflect what you would expect them to, they can also
as windows into different sci-fi/fantasy scenes so that patrons
see themselves drinking with Tolkein's Dwarves, Star Trek's 10 Forward
happy-hour crowd, or the customers in one of the specialty rooms.
The Bar itself is +/- 75 feet long, 3' wide, and normal
bar height.
The bar stools can move (within a narrow range) to accommodate
species, as well as change height for them. They cannot be pulled loose
from the floor, however. In the floor area surrounded by
booths there
are tables, some of which have no legs and simply float in place.
adjust to a wide range of species.
The Cast of Characters:
The Bartender in the Main room is named Max. He's
human in appearance,
very average-looking, short, dark hair, no glasses or mustache, likes
dress in medium brown colors, wears a white-ish colored apron. Very
sort of fellow. Little known to most patrons, Max is a native of
Bethdish, an Immortal, and about two million years old. Almost no one
at the Mare suspects or comments upon Max's origin, although it is a
matter of public record that he's been tending bar there for two
hundred years. No one seems to notice. Females of most humanoid species
find him very attractive and his relationship with Trixie is unusally
open. (Max is very loosely based on an almalgam of myself and three of
my closest friends, although my mental image of him looks more like a
30-something Mel
Gibson. I on the other hand, look more like Lewis
The two main Waitresses are Max's girlfriend Trixie,
a tall,
slim long-legged dish with long, light-brown hair and short skirts.
looks like an elf-queen; about 5'10", blue-eyed, small breasted,
quick-witted. Although born on Earth, she can trace a large part of her
ancestry back to the Irish Sidhe. She speaks alien languages without
need of a translator,
she just hears an alien language and within minutes can speak it
fluently. She
also carries a needle-slim dagger strapped to her left-inner thigh,
her miniskirt. If she pulls the dagger, you better behave... or be
to lose a body-part! She can't be ruffled by much, she's seen it all.
is also a great cook. The patrons love her. Her voice has been compared
with that of Kathleen Turner.
Her partner, Blanche, is about 5'2", heavy-set,
earth-mother/fertility goddess
Her figure could best be described as "ample" or "Rubenesque", but part
of that is because she is from a heavy gravity planet called Hardcase.
She dresses in long
skirts, has short, curly black hair, and looks like a giggling cherub
who could
tear linebackers in half and fling the pieces over her shoulders
breaking stride or losing her grin. Blanche wears vaguely gipsy-looking
dresses, no jewelry to speak of, and carries herself like an Empress.
is a gourmet cook, has blue-green eyes that could melt icicles, and
can be made to lose her temper. If Blanche ever needed a weapon, I've
seen it. (Both girls are loosely based on women that I have lived with;
on a former girlfriend; and Blanche, on her roommate. Both are girls
like to take home to meet Mother... after you've locked Dad in the
Goddesses, both of them!)
- Kazsh-ak Tier, Brig. Gen.
Er'da'gasg'dien Royal Guard, Ret. Presently Ambassador for the D'rrish
colony Er'da'gasg'dien upon Bethdish. A scorpion the size of a
clidesdale, this 250 year old patron is a regular at the Mare. His
stories are legendary, when his Fender translator issues forth his
synthesised voice, everyone within auditory range stops to listen. His
people have a colony on the northwest coast of the single contenent
upon Bethdish.
- The Bouncer for the main bar, Bruce.
Slender, dark, and deadly-
Bruce is a small, quiet man. Nonetheless,
beings many times his size tread lightly around him. As Blanche says,
"He makes all those movie stars look like a flocka muppets- in leg
irons." Fights rarely ever happen in the Mare in any case, with the
exception of the Space Ranger sort of sideroom where fights are looked
upon as part of the Floor Show, but they are even less likely in the
main bar since Bruce was hired. The Mare has other bouncers for the
various siderooms, but Bruce has made the Main Room his own turf.
Naturally, others on the bouncer staff sub for him on his time
- The owner, Mr. Polios / Professor Eustas Grey,
is only
mentioned, never really seen except in my own stories.
dresses all in shades of gray, makes very few
appearances at the Mare, and looks like an ordinary humanoid. However,
within the confines of the Mare Inebrium his word is law. No entity in
the universe dares to cross him, though no one knows just why. Only a
handful of Mare employees know him personally, though all know his
voice on the com. Feel free to say things like "he just left," or "I
hear he was in the other night," but don't write him in as a speaking
character. I have a story --"A Study in Alizarin Crimson"-- that will
clear up the mystery, but I have to beg you to take a "hands-off"
approach for the Mare's owner. He usually visits the Mare in the
disguise of Professor Eustas Grey and strives to keep his true identity
secret. When he is there, he shouldn't let it be known the he is the
owner of the Mare Inebrium. Just use the Professor Grey identity as a
background character. Max, Trixie, and Blanche have all met him and
know somewhat about him, but only Kazsh-ak Tier, the Reever, and Guiles
Thornby are privy to his deepest secrets.
- I hope this helps. Basically, think
of "Cheers" on steroids...
with the Bar parallel to the back wall rather than in the middle of the
floor. (And patrons from the Cantina from Star Wars!) You might want to
put your story as happening in one of the Specialty Rooms if you don't
feel comfortable using the main bar area.
- Starship Speeds: Larry Niven's Quantum
1 Hyperdrive moves ships at a constant rate of .33 LY per day. (His Q2
drive moves at 1 LY per minute, also a constant speed.) My own
passenger liners (those in my stories, that is) run at .31 LYPD, but
can move slower if they wish- not like Larry's constant-speed ships.
This = roughly Sol to A. Centauri in 12 days, nearly the same as
Larry's Q1 drive (roughly Warp 4.8 or so in Star Trek terms.) The ships
in the Mare universe run from slow freighters & passenger
liners, to slightly faster military and explorers, to really fast new
technologies. Most Terran Federation-built ships use the Chen-Parnell
Jump Drive, which skipps them in and out of the normal universe like a
stone skipping across water. The longer a sub-space jump the ship
makes, the faster the ship crosses the real-universe distance. Other
aliens can use differing FTL drives, though.
However, the flying saucer in "Abducted" traveled at 3.1 LYPD. This is
too fast! (Well, they were from an alternate universe. my dodge below
will account for the abnormal speed.) This would put the time for a
trip to Andromeda at something like 1776 years! (Just over Warp 8 in
Trek terms, maybe 8.2 or so.) I can't have that, it'd ruin all my
storylines! (Well, on second thought, no it wouldn't, but I'd have to
use extreme speed sparingly.) So in the story I postulated that the
probe was sent out on a course curve up out of the plane of the
ecliptic at ordinary FTL speeds- because of the density of matter in
the galaxy. Then, when the probe reaches the emptiest space there is,
it kicks up to Ludicrous Speed (Warp 9.6 or so- about 5 LYPD). After
going flat-out for a while, it has to decelerate to a safe FTL speed to
enter Andromeda and navigate to where Bethdish used
to be. That'd be the other slow end of the course curve. The Star Trek
Encyclopedia has a very nice Warp Speed chart with the speeds and times
to Andromeda listed. I've found it very helpful. Since a lot of writers
will be thinking in Trek terms when they think of FTL ships &
travel times, I will have to adjust my attitude.
The real problem of intergalactic travel at FTL speeds would be the
sheer weight of any sort of fuel source needed for thousands of years
(Using Bussard Ramscoops is out because they aren't FTL craft.), and
the problem of building a machine that can run for several thousand
years without breakdown. And I'll bet that there's a lot of stuff about
the density of gas, dust, and other stuff in the intergalatic gulf that
I know nothing about. FTL speeds are always tricky in stories. You
can't allow the spaceships to go too fast or the
galaxy gets too small for your technology. I've generally considered
the Mare universe to be traversed by ships that take weeks and months
to go from system to system, rather than the days-per-trip that Trek
ships can perform. In the Bethdish universe, warships are faster than
passenger liners, although intersteller truckers are somewhere in
between. I guess that the basic assumption is for those writers with a
lot of Trek knowledge to limit their spaceships to the mid-range of the
Warp Drive speed chart- I'm going to call an arbitrary speed limit on
"very fast" FTL ships. I hereby decree the fastest starship speeds to
be something close to Trek's Warp 7 -for the upper limit of ship
speeds. Just for your information, Warp 7 comes out to; 707 billion
kilometers per hour, or 656 times the speed of light, or Sol to A.
Centauri (4.2 lights) in 3 days, or 1.4 light years per day, or Earth
to Bethdish (65 lights) in 46.42 days, or one-way to Andromeda (2
million lights) in 3048 years. Except for godlike-stuff, this ought to
be fast enough for all those VF-FTL ships. Normal ships can go a bit
Here's a list of possible story titles I came up with. As you can see,
some of them have been used. Some are puns, some are serious. All are
up for grabs, but I reserve to use any of them myself if no one else
- Some Disenchanted Evening
- Of Mace and Mien
- If This Rolls On...
- Dieing, What Comes Naturally
- This Guy's the Limit
- Encounter at Some Point
- Rewrite Reduxe
- In A Little Bethdish Town ('Twas On A Night Like
- Garbage In, Garbage Out
- The Natural Way to Drink
- There's Safety in Bumblers
- Leap of Faith
- Magic is Loose
- The Man from B.A.D.
- Nosferatu on my Mind
- Will it Go 'Round in Circles?
- Make Sure You're in the Restroom for Your Species
- Murphy's Bar and Girl
- Baskin's Robots: Something for Everyone
- The Black Mirror
- Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
- Taxi Flyer
- "You guys put wax in your ears- and then tie me up..."
said Odysseus.
- Enter the Dragon
- The Haunted Library
- The Wild Brunch
- Master(s) of Disaster
- Lessons of History
- Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know
- The Statement of Randolph Eleven
- The Darkness and the Dawn
- A Farce of a Different Color
- Smoke and Mirrors
Some titles that I or others are working on right now:
- Sidestep -- Dan Hollifield & ? (I'm not allowed
to say... yet.) ?
- Space Cowboy -- Claude Hopper
The Current Canon:
This will be added to as I re-read all the stories to see what's what.
Originally it was just a list of my own stories and those whose writers
asked me lots of interesting Mare questions. Answering those questions
allowed me to develop a great deal of scenery and set dressing for the
All Odds
By Dan L. Hollifield
"Kazsh-ak Teir relates the tale of when he
was forced to battle alone against a fleet of alien invaders attempting
to conquor the D'rrish colony planet of R'lynath..."
By Dan L. Hollifield
The 'Lost And Found' at the Mare Inebrium
sometimes includes people
Little Planet, Isn't It?
By Roger Bennett
This story is the reason the Mare Inebrium is a shared universe series.
By Robert Wynne
One of my all-time favorite Mare stories.
By Jim Parnell
Jim and I invented the original Mare Inebrium, to be located at the
North pole of Earth's moon. I've since moved it to its own planet. Many
years later we got back in touch. Once he discovered what I'd been
doing with the idea he wrote this great story to add to the mythos.
The Tanneh Death Chop
By Kate Thornton
This is an example of how some writers used
to put me in their stories.
By Wishbone
- "I was only
trying to get an idea for my
thesis on Non-terran sociology...' A little knowledge can be a
dangerous thing."
Ex Machina
By Wishbone
You'd would think that having proved that
some planet's major deity
was actually an alien Sociology Professor would be enough for one
student's lifetime. But now Robert Landis had to survive the wrath of
the disillusioned natives he'd "inconvenienced" with his secular
By Jeff Williams
- "Mr. Grym...
gives you this challenge.
Virtually all of City of
Lights is...'open'...shall we say. To the enterprising entrepreneur,
there is an entree into virtually every business, every bank, every
shop, if the cards are played right and if the man or woman is quick,
smart, and intelligent. Every building is transparent to your skills
and talents under the right circumstances. Every building, that is,
except one... The Tower, my friends- The one building that has never
been burglarized beyond petty drunks stealing petty bags of petty
peanuts. Nothing more than the occasional ashtray or shot glass.
Nothing of any consequence besides bathroom towels. No one in this
room, indeed, no one in the history of Bethdish has ever broken into
the Mare Inebrium Tower and stolen anything of value."
The Cat
By Bill Wolfe
- In City of
Lights -when Mr. Grym wanted
something, he usually got
it. Even if he had to wait. And Mr Grym hated waiting. He hated waiting
almost as much as he hated having his desires thwarted. But something
at the Mare Inebrium was proving to be an impediment, so Mr. Grym was
not happy.
Angels Fear to Tread
By Bill Wolfe
When a gathering of Gods found that they
needed advice, they knew to
ask a bartender. They usurped the bodies of a handy group of Abvarnan
farmers and marched them purposefully into the Mare Inebrium on the
busiest holiday of the Bethdish year. Fortunately for the Devine,
Larrye was the one who took Their order...
Spade Ain't Nearly Dead Enough
By Bill Wolfe
"My secretary, Page, calls these bread and
butter cases. Me, I call
'em boring. But don't take that the wrong way. I like boring. I've had
enough excitement to last me couple'a lifetimes. All I'm doing is
tailing some rich guy's wife to see what she's up to. Any Private Dick
anywhere in the Stream would recognize the drill in a heartbeat....."
For Spies
By D. J. Rout
Of all the gin joints in all the worlds...
By William Joseph Roberts
Stockholm Syndrome can get really, really
complicated. Especially when...
By William Joseph Roberts
"The side rooms at
the Mare Inebrium often play host to the beginnings of many an
the Mare
Inebrium Stories To Date
- Enjoy!
- - Dan