Aphelion Issue 293, Volume 28
September 2023
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A Collection of Zone Walker Poetry

by Robert William Shmigelsky

The Hourglass Mountains

never-melting peaks
enduring cliffs
fast forward

A Temporal Knight's Sword

pristine crystal blade
course written through the Ages
sometimes comes in silver


memory grass
remembers the last imprint
you left on it
the knot in your back

A collection of failed poems reaffirming the drollery of life in the time-slowed Zone - though, most like not intentionally.

Likely - no positively - orated into being by a victim of boredom, and by victim of boredom I mean a Zone Walker, the term given to the footsoldiers who inhabited the Zone.

Zone Walkers were given the immensely long task, made longer by the invisible pounds of time itself resting on their shoulders, of scouting the entire mouth of the valley that happened to exist before their fabled Zone was put into being.

How the poems got into print is another matter entirely…

© 2015 Robert William Shmigelsky

Robert has a dry sense of humor, for which he blames his stepfather. Also, he has a habit of making history jokes no one but he understands.

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