Aphelion Issue 298, Volume 28
September 2024
Long Fiction and Serials
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Hello and welcome to the November 2022 issue of Aphelion!

In this issue, we have our usual excellent selection of stories.  We are closing in on the last issue for this year.  I'm never sure what the future holds, but it'll be worth facing together.

As for me, I'm facing a minor setback in my personal health. Over the past year, I suffered an outbreak of Shingles. One of the side effects is evidently a type of nerve damage. The result of which is a rather distracting onset of pain. Annoying, to be sure, but not life-threatening. It just means that I now find sitting for any length of time to be rather uncomfortable. Imagine a writer who cannot sit and type. The frustration is regrettable, but I did just turn 65 this week, so a bit of wear and tear in the old carcass is only to be expected. I've led a rather adventurous life. I'm surprised that I've gotten off as lightly as I have, LOL! I'm going to seek medical help for the pain. I'm hoping for some type of physical therapy rather than medications. Here's hoping!

Hallowcon was this past weekend, and that was loads of fun. Got to meet loads of online friends that I'd never met in person before, as well as spend time with friends I've known for years, in some cases decades. The next convention for us will be LibertyCon in June. The hotel blocks of rooms will open tomorrow for everyone to make their reservations. It'll be a blast, as it always is.

I've now got something on the order of fourteen months before I retire from the factory. I'm quite looking forward to being a pensioner--whether I write my stories sitting down or standing up, LOL!

The online streaming shows "Stupid O'clock" and "Last Man Standing" have been uploaded live to YouTube as well as several Facebook pages for over two years now. They are basically live-streaming chat shows covering a range of topics, modeled on the types of conversations people have after hours at SF&F conventions. Joe McKeel and I have archives of past shows on our own YouTube channels. Check 'em out if that sounds like something you'd enjoy I've put links in our Features section that will take you to the YouTube archives of both shows. I've also been lucky enough to become a regular on McKayla Jade's show "Tidbits And Scribbles" on YouTube as well. That show functions somewhat like Aphelion as it is a "writer-orientated" panel discussion show giving out tips, hints, and advice geared towards up and coming new professional writers. It's a lot of fun, so check that out on alternate Monday nights on McKayla's channel.

With all that said, it's high time I shut up and let you get to reading. 

Enjoy yourselves,




Title: The region of Orion’s Belt and the Flame Nebula

Courtesy: ESO and Digitized Sky Survey 2
Acknowledgment: Davide De Martin