Aphelion Issue 293, Volume 28
September 2023
Long Fiction and Serials
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Serials & Long Fiction

The Balance of the Spans
By JD Baker
In an ancient tradition, the Keeper of the Balance trains her replacement.

The Terran Game
By John E. DeLaughter
Jaime was hoping to establish trade between his company and the T'nrica, but the things they valued most were intangible.

***Best Long Fiction of 2021***

Selected by Long Fiction Editor Lester Curtis

The Balance of the Spans
By JD Baker
In an ancient tradition, the Keeper of the Balance trains her replacement.

The Terran Game
By John E. DeLaughter
Jaime was hoping to establish trade between his company and the T'nrica, but the things they valued most were intangible.

Thirty Thieves and Two Princesses
By George Casey

A man of some decency gets a chance for a new life, but not with a princess.