Aphelion Issue 293, Volume 28
September 2023
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
Submission Guidelines
Contact Us
Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page

Flash Fiction

April 2019

Black and White
by Meghashri Dalvi
Matter can be neither created nor destroyed...

by C. E. Gee
Fate or coincidence? You decide!

She’s a Witch!
by Ray Prew
Whatever you do, don't piss off the witch!

Snowman Dream
by Kit Roberts
A walk in the woods can become a bad dream.

Survivor Guilt
by Christopher T. Dabrowski
In desperation, they ate the airline food...

They Call Me Leaky
by Eddie D. Moore
Incontinent dinosaurs, oh my!

Like something? Hate something? The forum is this way...

Flash Fiction Challenges

Every month for almost ten years, we have run a flash fiction contest in the "Fun and Games" folder in Aphelion's forum. In the contest, we post a challenge with a specific theme and participants get two weeks to write a flash story based on the challenge guidelines. Then the members vote of the stories, rating them in six different categories. It's a great place to hone your writing skills, meet some fellow writers, receive some feedback, and possibly win a prize, or at least, bragging rights. Flash stories from all of our previous challenges are archived in the Flash Challenge Entries Index, which lists over 775 stories.

New participants are always welcome. Submissions for the contest are done through the forum. Just click 'Flash Challenge' button in the Navbar link on the left side of this screen, or go to the ’Fun And Games’ topic on the forums, to see what we're up to right now