Aphelion Issue 293, Volume 28
September 2023
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An Earthquake, a Tsunami, and Fallout

by David Baresch

On March the 11th, 2011, tectonic plates pressed together, stresses grew, a landmass broke, a plate leapt up, it hammered back down, and tremor after tremor rattled out belting through a rocking ground.

And the sea above that colossal quake, it rose to an unknown height, it heaved a mass of ocean up, and on far off shores the tides started to withdraw.

Gravity tugged, and that bulge of briny flooded back down, it collapsed in a tonnage of weight, and wave upon wave outwardly rolled, speeding towards the north-east coast, and there the seabed inclines.

And on that rise, the leading waves began to wane and the tide behind quickly caught up, and there, a horde of waves started to stack. They stacked and they stacked and they stacked.

That quake had raised a wall of death, and driven by that tectonic might the sea now stood at a mountainous height. And a watery onslaught was set to hammer, to dash, and to blight.

Onto the shore those waves did roar and across the land those waves did raze, they blasted all within their path until they hit the inland hills, and there, they started to recede.

Homes and towns and cities and trees, all were left in a mass of debris, but that wasn’t the end of that day’s savagery, for a nuclear power plant had been battered and rent, and that nuclear power plant did detonate.

Radiation poured out, nuclear fall rained down, it scattered on lands, far and wide, it poisoned the rivers, it poisoned the fields, and it drifted on winds for miles and miles.

For, on March the 11th, 2011, tectonic plates pressed together, stresses grew, a landmass broke, a plate jumped up, it slammed back down, and then, the rabid beat of plunder pounded on its drum.

© 2021 David Baresch

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